



完成以下问卷,并在1-2天内获得您的加拿大永久居留资格免费评估。申请人及配偶详细、如实填写如下信息,以确保评估准确,我们将对客户信息保密 Complete the following questionnaire and receive in 1-2 days a free assessment of your qualifications for Canadian permanent residence. The applicant and spouse fill in the following information in detail and truthfully to ensure the accuracy of the evaluation. We will keep the customer information confidential.

一.申请人基本信息 Applicant Basic Information

申请人 Applicant

Name (Applicant)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Contact Phone
Postal Code

配偶(或一年以上同居伴侣) Spouse (or common-law partner for more than one year)

Name (Spouse)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Contact Phone
Postal Code

二. 教育背景 Education Background

申请人 Applicant

Highest degree
School name
Professional start and end time

申请人 Applicant

Highest degree
School name
Professional start and end time

三.工作履历(提供过去十年或18 岁以后的工作经历,包括在自己拥有的公司的工作)Work history (provide work experience in the past ten years or after the age of 18, including work in a company you own)

申请人工作履历 Applicant Work Experience

Position (Recent Work)
Company Name
Start and end date
Working hours per week
Business Scope

上一份工作 (申请人) Previous Work (Applicant)

Position (Previous Work)
Company Name
Start and end date
Working hours per week
Business Scope

配偶工作经历 Work experience of spouse

Position (Recent Work)
Company Name
Start and end date
Working hours per week
Business Scope

上一份工作 (配偶) Previous Work (Spouse)

Position (Previous Work)
Company Name
Start and end date
Working hours per week
Business Scope

语言能力 Language Ability

Types of Test
各科成绩 Grades
各科成绩 Grades
各科成绩 Grades
各科成绩 Grades
Date of Test

语言能力 Language Ability

Types of Test
各科成绩 Grades
各科成绩 Grades
各科成绩 Grades
各科成绩 Grades
Date of Test


申请人 | 曾经拥有企业 股份10%以上

Shareholding Ratio
Starting and ending time of holding shares
Company Name
Enterprise Nature
Company Business Scope

Shareholding Ratio

Starting and ending time of holding shares
Company Name
Enterprise Nature
Company Business Scope

Fixed Assets

Bank Deposit
Company Net Assets